Speed of Light
December 2014
The concept behind this project was to capture something that could not be seen with the naked eye. These images were shot in RAW with a Nikon 3100 and processed using Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Interesting Parts
- These images were taken on the steps of the Main Guard in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary This building also featured in my Movie Poster project.
- The images were shot between 9-10pm at a shutter speed of 10 seconds, ISO of 100 and an aperture of f/8.
- The girl in the image had to remain completely still for the first 5 seconds, and then run out of the frame as fast as she could to avoid a ghosting effect of her leaving the image.
- Post-processing was used only to adjust the levels in the image, as well as to turn it black and white.

What I learned
- This project gave me a chance to really learn how the aperture, ISO and shutter speed all effect one another e.g. the longer I left the shutter open, the more I needed to close the aperture to ensure the image would not end up over exposed
- Timing was everything, as the longer the model stayed in frame, the more it began to look just like any other photography, yet if she left the image too soon she was barely visible.
- I learned that slower shutter speeds require a much higher processing power, and so the resulting images take longer to appear and therefore this type of photography requires patience and detailed planning.