Kinetic Text
Material Girl
May 2015
The purpose of this project was to create Kinetic Typography which would represent the mood, tone and rhythm of the lyrics of a song, using Adobe After Effects CC. I chose to recreate Madonna's "Material Girl", playing on the theme of "living in a material world" by utilising fabric materials to create the elements in each scene. This project was created in Adobe After Effects CS6.
Interesting Parts
- The majority of this project was originally created in black and white, to allow me to focus on the movement and timing of the text.
- The project ends with all of the material elements becoming part of a girl's dress as she walks away.
- The contrast of the bubbly female vocals, versus the robotic male vocals, is represented through two very distinct styles throughout the project.
- The full development of this project was recorded through Behance posts, including planning, 2 hour challenges, full play throughs, styling, refining and designing of the 3D element.

What I learned
- The process of nesting compositions within one another was something that came as second nature to me by the end of this project.
- Learning how to work with the feeling and movement of an element, such as typography, was something that took me some time to get used to, but which I would be quite confident to take on again after this project.
- Originally I struggled with trying to create both the movement and the visual style at the same time. I learned that by creating the project in black and white first, I was better able to focus on the movement without getting distracted by the visual styling.
- I learned the importance of documenting the progress of a project, as it helps to keep the project on track by identifying areas that need to be worked on, as well as techniques that were successful/unsuccessful.